• 投資家関係
    Airtac International Group
  • 製品検索
  • Issuance of new shares for capital increase
  • Source: Submit Time:2013-04-02 Click Throughs: 274 Times
  • A A A
  • Company code: 1590
    No: 1
    Subject: Subject:Issuance of new shares for capital increase to which item it meets--article 2 paragraph xx:11
    Date of events: 2013/04/02
    Contents: 1.Date of the board of directors resolution:2013/04/02
    2.Source of capital increase funds: 2012 Profit available for distribution
    3.Number of shares issued: 10,500,000
    4.Par value per share:NTD10
    5.Total monetary amount of the issue:NTD104,999,999
    6.Issue price:N/A
    7.Number of shares subscribed by or allotted to employees:N/A
    8.Number of shares publicly sold:N/A
    9.Ratio of shares subscribed by or allotted as stock dividends to existing shareholders:
    70 shares as stock dividends foreach one thousand shares.
    10.Method of handling fractional shares and shares unsubscribed by the deadline:
    The shareholders can compose a complete share from stock dividends less than one share, and register the composition with the Securities Registrar and Transfer Agency within five days from the record date. The stock dividends less than one share after composition or forfeited composition by shareholders will be distributed in cash (removing the fractional part) and the shares will be subscribed by a specific person assigned by the Chairman of the Company.
    11.Rights and obligations of the newly issued shares:
    The rights and obligations of the newly issued shares are the same with those of the original shares.
    12.Utilization of the funds from the capital increase: Substantial working capital
    13.Any other matters that need to be specified:
    (1)Propose to authorize the Board of Directors with full powers to dispose if the stock dividends for shareholders impact the total number of the Company’s outstanding shares because of capital increase by issuing new shares, repurchase shares of the Company, transfer and withdraw of treasury stock, performing of employee stock options, or other factors.
    (2)Propose to authorize the Board of Directors to set the capital increase date after the capital increase by issuing new shares is resolved by the Board of Shareholders.
    (3)Propose to authorize the Board of Directors with full power to conduct relevant issues if any change is required by the fact or after the approval of administration authorities.