• 投資家関係
    Airtac International Group
  • 製品検索
  • Revise Shareholder Meeting Annual report 2012
  • Source: Submit Time:2013-07-17 Click Throughs: 281 Times
  • A A A
  • Company code: 1590
    No: 1
    Subject: Revise Shareholder Meeting Annual report 2012
    To which item it meets--article 2 paragraph xx:49
    Date of events: 2013/07/17
    Contents: 1.Date of occurrence of the event:2013/07/17
    2.Company name:Airtac International Group
    3.Relationship to the Company (please enter "head office" or "subsidiaries"):head office
    4.Reciprocal shareholding ratios:N/A
    5.Name of the reporting media:N/A
    6.Content of the report:N/A
    7.Cause of occurrence:Revise shareholder meeting annual report 2012 page 11, 21 and 24.
    8.Countermeasures: Revised shareholder meeting annual report 2012 will upload to M.O.P.S.
    9.Any other matters that need to be specified: N/A