• 投資家関係
    Airtac International Group
  • 製品検索
  • 2013Q3 consolidated Pre-Audit Financial Statement
  • Source: Submit Time:2013-10-23 Click Throughs: 796 Times
  • A A A
  • Market share continued increasing because of the benefits of new products development and the new selling channels. Consolidated revenue for the third quarter of 2013 was NTD2,018,709 thousand dollars, a 35% increased compared to the same period last year, gross profit was NTD1,125,951 thousand dollars (gross margin was 55.78%), by means of continuously enhanced manufacturing process automation, labor efficiency improvement and product mix optimization, there are still rooms for increase in our gross margin, operating income was NTD612,849 thousand dollars (operating margin was 30.36%), income before income tax was NTD669,035 thousand dollars (earning before tax margin was 33.14%) and net income was NTD489,505 thousand dollars (net margin was 24.25%), a 67% increased compared to the same period last year. EPS for the third quarter of 2013 was NTD3.05.
    Consolidated revenue for the nine months ended September 30, 2013 was NTD5,515,809 thousand dollars, a 29% increased compared to the same period last year, gross profit was NTD3,034,831 thousand dollars (gross margin was 55.02%), operating income was NTD1,651,005 thousand dollars (operating margin was 29.93%), income before income tax was NTD1,772,526 thousand dollars (earning before tax margin was 32.14%) and net income was NTD1,293,387 thousand dollars (net margin was 23.45%), a 51% increased compared to the same period last year. EPS for the nine months ended September 30, 2013 was NTD8.06.