• 投資家関係
    Airtac International Group
  • 製品検索
  • 2013 consolidated Financial Statement
  • Source: Submit Time:2014-03-11 Click Throughs: 305 Times
  • A A A
  • After audited by CPA, consolidated revenue for 2013 was NTD7,300,291 thousand dollars, a 28% increased compared to the same period last year, gross profit was NTD4,036,158 thousand dollars (gross margin was 55.29%), operating income was NTD2,194,751 thousand dollars (operating margin was 30.06%), income before income tax was NTD2,366,757 thousand dollars (earning before tax margin was 32.42%) and net income was NTD1,710,158 thousand dollars (net margin was 23.43%), a 60% increased compared to the same period last year. EPS for 2013 was NTD10.55.