• 投資家関係
    Airtac International Group
  • 製品検索
  • Announcement of signing new syndication loan agreement(for Airtac Taiwan Branch)
  • Source: Submit Time:2014-04-16 Click Throughs: 413 Times
  • A A A
  • Company code: 1590
    No: 1
    Subject: To which item it meets--article 2 paragraph xx:10.
    Date of events: 2014/4/16
    Contents: 1.Date of occurrence of the event:2014/4/16
    2.Counterparty to the contract or commitment:
    Mega International Commercial Bank Co., Ltd.
    Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank, Ltd.
    Hua Nan Bank
    Taipei Fubon Bank
    Taiwan Cooperative Bank
    Agricultural Bank of Taiwan
    First Commercial Bank
    Chang Hwa Bank
    3.Relationship to the Company: None
    4.Starting and ending dates (or rescission date) of the contract or commitment:The credit period is five years from the date of the first drawdown.
    5.Major content (not applicable where rescinded):NT$ 2950 million
    6.Restrictive covenants (not applicable where rescinded):Reference to the agreement of syndication loan.
    7.Effect on company finances and business (not applicable where rescinded):expand capacity.
    8.Concrete purpose/objective (not applicable where rescinded): All the factory building and its affiliated facilities bought (set)
    9.Any other matters that need to be specified:None